Site Closed - 11/13/2012 - 01/05/2015

Site Closed - 11/13/2012 - 01/05/2015
Site Closed - 11/13/2012 - 01/05/2015

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Spy phone message from G!

EPF Agents, if you look at your spy phone you will see you have a new message from G.
January 31
Terrible news! I accidentally fixed the temporal distortion. Things are back to normal. Hopefully I'll figure out how to break it again someday!

lol...more soon

Penguin Style February 2013 CHEATS :)

So CP has added a new Penguin Style catalog!

Ironically this is not the same cover CP gave us a sneak peek of a while back :/


Unfortunately that's all the new cheats :/

More soon....

:O Whoops... That's a little embarrassing, don't'cha think? :/

Hey, first I just wanna apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes in this post as I'm writing this from a Kindle. Second I'm really sorry for not posting when the new updates came tonight. I completely forgot they were coming tonight until about 5 minutes ago. Unfortunately it is now almost 3 AM so I'll post them tomorrow sometime.

Again, Sorry!


Monday, January 28, 2013

Card Jitsu Snow Special Announcement!

Here's a special announcement from Polo Field:

By Polo Field on January 28, 2013 - 15:46
Hey Ninjas!

We know you've been waiting a long time for info about Card-Jitsu Snow. Well, today's your lucky day! We've got some EPIC NEWS...

Next month, you'll have the chance to BETA TEST Card-Jitsu Snow!!

For the first time since Club Penguin started in 2005, you'll have the chance to beta test a brand new multi-player game. We'd love for you to be a part of this huge event!

Stay tuned to the blog, because dates and details are COMING SOON!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

Cool!! I can't wait for CJ Snow!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hollywood Party 2013 Sneak Peeks! :D

Spike Hike has not only Tweeted one sneak peek, but three of the Hollywood Party 2013. Here they are:


More soon...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Club Penguin February 2013 Penguin Style Sneak Peek # 2!

CP has posted a new sneak peek of the Penguin Style for February 2013 on their Twitter.

COOL!!! Here's the actual tweet:

I can't wait for next Thursday!

Click here to see the previous sneak peek.

More soon...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hollywood Party 2013 Exit Page!

So now we have more info on the Hollywood Party!


Club Penguin homepage updates

CP has updated their homepage, adding two small banners to the bottom:

Cool! I know lots of penguins, mainly Nonmembers and Noonycarter will be happy about the laptop.



Stone Hammer pin CHEAT :) (And BUG!!)


Starting today, you can pick up a new pin at the Dock, the Stone Hammer pin. Well, you can try to pick it up, but when you do...
....*HEAVY SIGH*....
Let's try and click yes and see what happens...
.... !!!!!!
I would not suggest you attempt to pick the pin up right now, as if you do it will load forever and you'll have to log off.

Update: January 24th, 2013, 3:14 AM: The bug is now fixed and you can pick up the pin. I will post a picture tomorrow but right now it's 3:14 AM so..

Update: January 24th, 2013, 3:23 PM: Okay, so here's the picture:



Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Penguin Chat 2 Screenshot!

So rsnail just posted on the RocketSnail Games Facebook page that he found an old screenshot of Penguin Chat 2. This is AWESOME, because it's the best quality image of PC2 out there. I believe there's only 1 other that's a full screen picture of PC2, and there's another of some penguins standing there. I believe there was some kind of account system back then, because as you can see there's a few players logged in as "Guests" while the rest have normal names.
Isn't this AWESOME?! We're going to make a CP History page on this site soon I think.


Another Friends List bug

So I was just on CP when I went to Herbert P Bear's playercard in my friends list. After that I clicked on another friend's playercard and...well, unless all of my friends changed their name to Herbert P Bear..

(I was going to get a picture but I lost connection and when I log back in it doesn't do it, I'll post one later if and when it happens again)


Penguin Style February 2013 Sneak Peek!

Here's a message from Polo Field, taken from CP's website. The original text is in German, so I'm sorry if the text doesn't make sense, I used Google Chrome to translate it:

Of Polo Field on 23 January 2013 - 11:38
Hello penguins,
a new month is coming soon around the corner, which means the new styles are almost there! Here you can see a preview of the February Fashion: What do you think? Penguins are your rock these wild style? Happy Waddle! Polo Field from Club Penguin Team

Cool! I'll post later with the English version when CP posts it.
I have to guess that these type of styles are for the Hollywood Party, which is also coming in February.

Update: January 23rd, 2013, 8:34 PM: The English post has now been added:

By Polo Field on January 23, 2013 - 19:34 | Comments (0)
Hello Penguins!

A new month is around the corner, which means new styles are coming! Here is a sneak peek at fashions coming in February:

What do you think? Will your penguin be rocking this fierce style?

Waddle On!
- Club Penguin Team


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Club Penguin Album coming soon!

The following is a message from Polo Field, taken from the What's New blog:

By Polo Field on January 22, 2013 - 18:30
Hello Penguins!

Since Club Penguin first started, many of you have asked if we would ever release an album... I'm super stoked to say that we're finally releasing our very first CD next month!!

The album has your favorite CP songs like "The Party Starts Now", "Ghosts Just Wanna Dance", and even "Dubstep Puffle"!

The Party Starts Now EP will be available in stores like Wal-Mart and Target in the US starting February 12! It will also be available to purchase online in other countries.

The CD version comes with an exclusive virtual item you won't find anywhere else... the Bling-Bling Necklace! I love this item. Here's a sneak peek:

In other news... the team is working on a music video for a brand new song called "Puffle Party (Gotta Have a Wingman)". We'll post it here on the blog once it's ready. Stay tuned for more info!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

COOL!!!! That looks like an awesome neck item! I'm glad this album will be available at Walmart and Target, maybe I can buy it. :)

Update: January 23rd, 2013, 2:26 PM: A quick search for "Club Penguin The Party starts Now" revealed more info about the CD to me:

When I click the listing, it tells the in-store price ($8.98) and the track listing, as well as other information about the CD.

Unfortunately it appears to only have 6 tracks. However, the song Polo Field said they were working on right now, Puffle Party (gotta have a wingman), is listed as a track :) 
What do you think? Are you excited for this album?

I met Gary on server Below Zero :)

Well, to make sure I could get in the server to meet Gary at 5:30 (or 2:30 PST), I logged into CP at 4:45 Eastern Time. Good thing I did, I guess, since I lost connection all in all 3 times in those 45 minutes, not to mention all the times I couldn't log in or load the server or the room, ETC., ETC., ETC. Anyway, I did meet Gary, and got to get his background and stamp.

I also tried to add him as a friend, but due to another variation of the ever-present Friends list bugs it would only let me request him, we'll see if he adds me later on like Herbert P Bear did.

More soon

Weird ... Bug?

So I was just waiting for Gary on the server Below Zero, when I noticed a With the chat log:

See? It says "undefined" and won't let me click their playercard.



Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hollywood Party 2013 Sneak Peek #2 :)

So I posted a while ago a tweet that Spike Hike posted a while back saying that in February 2013, CP was having what I started calling a Hollywood Party. Ironically, this is the actual name for the party, so apparently I guessed right xD. Well, today Spike Hike has posted another sneak peek of the party, to celebrate getting 5,600 followers on his Twitter. Here it is:

Cool! I have to guess, maybe one or all of the "Night of the Living Sled" series? Or maybe ones of actual plays at the stage. Hopefully this party will be a bit like the Penguin Play Awards of 2009 and 2010, which I miss. The 2009 was the first time I met Aunt Arctic, who was, besides Rockhopper who I met in February 2009, the first mascot I met.

Also, in case you missed it, here's the original Tweet announcing the party, tweeted on January 11th, 2013:

Awesome. What do you think the movies will be?


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Another cool glitch!

So I was just in the town and Glass64 showed me another cool glitch. This glitch allows you to stand/sit on buildings.

Here's how to do this one:

  1. Go to any room.
  2. Transform into one of the flying dinosaurs.
  3. Go as far away as possible from the wall you want to stand on.
  4. Click where you want to stand on the wall.
  5. Now while you're still on one of the parts where you could normally stand, click your playercard and QUICKLY transform into a penguin again.
  6. If you did it correctly, you will continue to walk to the wall or roof and stand there as a penguin.
  7. Keep trying until you get it, it took me 4 times to get it.
Isn't that cool? Thanks to Glass64 for telling me.


Friday, January 18, 2013

AWESOME Glitch at Prehistoric Party 2013!

So there's a new glitch you can do on CP. You have to be a member though. But it allows you to be a penguin AND a dinosaur too! It's similar to a glitch that occurred back in October at the Halloween Party.
While being able to walk around as a dinosaur in 2013 CP is pretty hilarious, this is almost better.

Isn't that cool?
Here's how to do it:

  1. Put on a tour guide hat, or any item pretty much that has a special dance.
  2. Wave or dance to make item do its special dance.
  3. You have to have a dinosaur egg, preferably one of a flying dino for best results, but any egg will work. Click on the dino egg in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Transform into a dinosaur.
  5. You will now be a Dino-Penguin :D


Announcing the Club Penguin Specialists forums!

Hey, Noonycarter and I have been working on something big lately - we've created a forum for Club Penguin Specialists :)
CLICK HERE to visit it.

More soon...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Spyphone Message from Gary!

EPF Agents, if you look at your spyphone you will see you have a new message from Gary.

January 17th
Anyone feel like creating a temporal singularity and traveling back in time with me? There are lots of dinosaurs there!

More soon

Dino Dig

Dino Dig is just like treasure hunt except you're the only player. And I earn more coins because it's easier xD.
More soon...

Prehistoric Party 2013 CHEATS :)

So CP has launched the Prehistoric Party 2013 and it is AWESOME :D

The whole interface (the chat bar, map, generally the entire interface excluding the loading screens) has been updated to look like it's made of stone! A cool thing about this party is that you can switch between normal CP and the party version of CP. Also, there's no spyphone in the prehistoric version.

Cool Fact: You can stay a dinosaur after changing into one even in normal CP :D

More soon...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Another Prehistoric Party sneak peek!

Here's a picture I found on CP's website:

There was also a few lines of text with it, but it was translated from another language and it didn't make sense.

Prehistoric Party items sneak peek!

Here's a message from Polo Field:

By Polo Field on January 16, 2013 - 08:01 am | Comments (0)
Hello, Penguins! A trip to prehistoric Club Penguin would not be complete without ... fantasies! team will give many options for penguins caves. And these two were chosen by YOU in October: This is gonna be awesome. In the language of the caves Penguins: POLO FIELD BEING ME! FANTASIES OF YOU LIKE? I LIKE! EAGER TO ME AND FIFTH BUGA! want to see your opinion of the caves in the comments! Pinguinando! - Team Club Penguin

Cool! Remember, the Prehistoric Party starts tomorrow, January 17th, 2013, but will probably come sometime tonight. Either me or Noonycarter will post when it does.

Update: January 16th, 2013, 9:13 PM: The English version of this post has now been added:
Hello Penguins!
A trip back to Prehistoric Club Penguin wouldn’t be complete without… costumes! 
The team’s got you covered with caveguin gear. These two costumes were chosen by YOU back in October:


This is going to rock. Or as a caveguin might say – ME POLO FIELD!  YOU LIKE COSTUMES? I LIKE LOTS! ME EXCITED FOR THURSDAY GRUB!!
Let’s hear your excited caveguin speak in the comments!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

Monday, January 14, 2013

Prehistoric Map of Club Penguin sneak peek :)

Polo Field has tweeted a new sneak peek of Club Penguin's Prehistoric Map.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Final Sneak Peek for the Prehistoric Party 2013 :)

Spike Hike tweeted this earlier today:

Cool! Sorry I didn't post this earlier, we were visiting my grandfather and just got back.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Dinosaurs can throw puke at Prehistoric Party 2013

...Okay, so Polo Field posted on the German What's New blog with a (rather disgusting) sneak peek of the Prehistoric Party 2013. When Members transform into dinosaurs, they will apparently be able to throw...puke.. EW
Credit goes to Saraapril.
Here's the translated version of the post, apparently the best Google Chrome could translate it to:

*Title was here but wouldn't copy*

Of Polo Field on 11 January 2013 - 7:46

Hello Penguins! You have sent us many great questions about prehistoric party. So today I will answer some of the most frequently asked questions. When the party starts?   On 17 January - in less than a week Will we really can turn into dinosaurs Yes! You will as a Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus rex and Pteranodon flying stomp and roar can.  dinosaurs If you are, your player card will look like this: How long can we stay dinosaurs concerned, until you would like to transform you back into penguins ... or to another dinosaur! Did dinosaurs special powers?  Yes they throw choke-snowballs! I found out the hard way, unfortunately: I hope you enjoyed this insight into the party. What do you want more information about the party? I'll tell you more soon! Happy Waddle! Polo Field from Club Penguin Team

EWWWW.....I'm assuming when he said "choke-snowballs" he meant...
Puke...Ew...he really didn't have to share this picture xD.

Update: January 15th, 2013, 2:36 PM - I just found the English version.

By Polo Field on January 11, 2013 - 16:38
Hello Penguins!
You’ve been sending in lots of great questions about the upcoming Prehistoric Party. So today I’m answering some of the most popular ones:

When does the party start? 
January 17 – less than a week from now!

Will we really be able to transform into dinosaurs?
Yep! Get ready to fly, stomp, and roar as a Triceratops, T-Rex, and Pteranodon. This is what your player card will look like when you’re a dinosaur:

How long can we stay a dinosaur? 
Until you’re ready to transform back into a penguin… or a different dino!

Do dinosaurs have special powers? 
Yeah, they throw PUKE snowballs! I learned that the hard way:

Hope you’re digging these party sneak peeks. What else are you interested in hearing about the party? We'll try to answer more questions later this week!

Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Well, at least this version makes sense, unlike the one Google Chrome translated xD.
More soon...

Club Penguin February 2013 Party Sneak Peek

Spike Hike tweeted this earlier---

COOL! For lack of a better term, I'm going to call this party the Hollywood Party until we know the real name.
More soon...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Spyphone message from Jet Pack Guy

EPF Agents, if you open your spyphone you will see you have a new message from Jet Pack Guy.
January 10th
Jet Pack Guy
Umm... Gary? Are you feeling okay? You've been acting... kinda strange.


100 Posts!

This blog has reached 100 posts! I can't believe we're already at 100.


Dino Footprint Pin Cheat!

Today there is a new pin in Club Penguin. It is the Dino Footprint pin, and you can pick it up at the Forest. Unlike some previous pins, you can't just click on it; you have to waddle over to it.

More soon...

Time Trekker at the Snow Forts

So Gary's new invention the Time Trekker has now randomly appeared at the Snow Forts, lol.
If you go inside it...
You will see a message from Gary.
Greetings Friends!
Prepare for a scientifically extraordinary adventure!
Return on January 17th when the my Time Trekker is ready,
for a trip to the Age of the Dinosaurs!

Lol this sounds like such a awesome party, I can't wait for it to start.

New igloo music

If you're a member, you can play some new tracks, including the old Pizza Parlor music, which was actually a real song, called "Charlie's Here".

Cool! Lol

More posts soon

The "Zero Friends" bug strikes again...

So I logged into CP to get pics for the posts I'm adding to this blog, and when I went to click "Mute Music"...
UGGGHHHH....And, like before, I click on the Buddy List icon and nothing happens.
Also, since Noonycarter is on to blog too, well...
See? It shows her as offline even though there she is standing RIGHT NEXT to me -_-

Update: January 10th, 2013, 3:36 PM: This has been fixed again.

More soon...

Prehistoric Party 2013 Video Ad

CP added a new video to their YouTube account advertising the Prehistoric Party. Here it is:

More soon...

Furniture Catalog January 2013 CHEATS :)

So CP has added a new furniture catalog for us, and it's filled with all kinds of NEW furniture items for the Prehistoric Party, which starts a week from now, January 17th, 2013. Also, like the Penguin Style catalog, there are hidden items. Here is how/where to find them:


And that's all the new cheats in this catalog.
More soon