Site Closed - 11/13/2012 - 01/05/2015

Site Closed - 11/13/2012 - 01/05/2015
Site Closed - 11/13/2012 - 01/05/2015

Friday, November 30, 2012

Site updates ... umm update??

This is an update on the updates (lol):
Club Penguin Specialist's site updates will launch at 5:30 P.M. EST On November 30th, 2012.
I'm working on them right now.

Update: November 30th, 2012, 5:25 P.M.: Working on the music now. Music will probably be added to all the blogs, depending if there's enough different music (we don't want to put the same music for more than one blog.) If there's not enough different CP Christmas songs, music will be added by mid January.
Update: November 30th, 2012, 5:46 P.M.: Sorry it didn't launch right at 5:30. It took longer than I thought it would. What do you think of the new design? I think the old one was a bit basic. Now if I could figure out how to add music...
Update: November 30th, 2012, 6:09 P.M.: Trying to add music.
Update: November 30th, 2012, 9:20 P.M.: Sorry, we went to eat at a restaurant right by our house so I haven't been able to work on it since about 6:30. I am not going to be able to add music due to my laptop not being capable of recording streaming (Playing through speakers) sounds. Sorry.

more soon..


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Friends list loading bug

Noonycarter Just posted with a bug she had with the friends list on my player, lol which made me remember a bug I had with the friends list a while ago. Noonycarter's is funnier but I thought I'd post this one too. It happened more than once to me, and Miley22755 said it happened to her too. I know it happened a while ago because Emma84432 is now 1414 days old today so.

Update: November 29th, 2012, 6:47 P.M.: Whoops, forgot to add this. It says 0 friends and I have over 200 friends, so.


Ghost Penguin friends list bug

As I was taking the pictures for the post about the new pin I just made, I clicked on my friends list and look what happened---

It didn't happen on any of my other friends, only Emma.

Club Penguin First Aid Pin CHEATS :D

So today there's a new pin in CP. It's a first aid pin and it's in the cave mine. There is a grammar mistake on the "would you like to pick this up" box, as usual, but other than that it's awesome.

You have found a First Aid.
Would you like to pick it up?
Yes I would, lol.
First Aid has been added to your inventory. YAY

Here is how the First Aid pin looks on my playercard.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Club Penguin's town and plaza to be updated soon

Hey penguins! Noonycarter here. Polo Field just posted on CP's what's new blog about the updates to the town and the plaza. Here is what he wrote:

By Polo Field on November 27, 2012 - 16:39 | Comments (34)
Hello Penguins!

We recently launched the first updates to some of the Club Penguin rooms. Thanks for all the great comments letting us know how much you like them!

A lot of you have asked when the next updates are coming.  And I'm stoked to say that there's a bunch coming in a few weeks!

So here’s two rooms that I’m really excited about:

Until then...

Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
It appears the new room that was announced to be "coming soon" in 2010 is going to be released along with these updates. What do you think about the new rooms? I'm going to miss the old designs but I kinda like the new ones too. The old ones looked more hand drawn and cartoon-y than this. It will be good that that old mistake of the door being on the wrong side of the building at the coffee shop will be fixed, FINALLY, after 7 years, (really 8 if you count Penguin Chat 3) and that the Pet Shop door mistake will be fixed too. Also the gift shop's door is currently in the center when it is shown as at the right side inside.

What do you think?


Monday, November 26, 2012

Updates coming December 1st, 2012

Hey, we're doing some really big updates to all our sites, this one, Emma84432 (the blogger site I made in 2009), Hamham99 (My original site from May 2009), and Noonycarter's site. This is definitely the biggest update we've ever made on our blogs. The updates will be published by December 1st, 2012, maybe before, maybe after, depending on how things go. The updates will be for Christmas, and we will publish the permanent new designs for the sites by about maybe January 5th.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Herbert P. Bear has practically deleted his Twitter

Ok, so I was just on Twitter when I saw that Herbert P. Bear has pretty much deleted his account---

:( Lol I'm almost disappointed, I liked reading Herbert's Tweets. xD


IRRITATING Membership Expiration date reminder postcard BUG

This is a bug that has been around CP for about 4 to 6 months (it's happened to me several times) and it always confuses me (xD) ... Take a look:

See? It says it expires on the 20th, (which was YESTERDAY and I'm still a member,) and sometimes it says the 17th, the 18th, the 22nd, the 15th, etc. Only, it Actually expires on the 28th, as I can see in my parent account---

THIS IS SO IRRITATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol..
In other news, as I type this we are working on the new ETV and hope to have it uploaded by 12 AM tonight, most likely before.

Has this IRRITATING bug happened to you?


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dates and times to meet Herbert P. Bear:

Polo Field just posted this on the What's New blog---

Hi there penguins!

Since we announced that Herbert would be appearing online, many of you have asked when you could have a chance to meet the dreaded polar bear.

Here are a few times when Herbert will be logged on:
  • Tuesday, November 20: Abominable @ 10:30am Penguin Standard Time (PST)
  • Wednesday, November 21: Jack Frost @ 12:15pm PST
  • Thursday, November 22: Mammoth @ 11:00am PST

Hope this helps a bit, Agents. Good luck with your tracking and... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

I already met Herbert 3 times, xD and I tried to add him and this glitch happened..

??? Does this mean Herbert is my friend? xD when I try to go to his igloo it's a normal igloo with 3 puffles :D
Have you met Herbert yet?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Emma84432 TV episode 13 to be uploaded by 11/18/2012

So me and Noonycarter are currently working on the new ETV for this week, this episode is going to be about Thanksgiving. We're trying something new for this ep, since Noonycarter is going to be in it too, she's going to send me videos she recorded of her penguin to put together into the video.

Emma84432 TV Episode 13 will be uploaded on or before Sunday, November 18th, 2012.

Update: November 17th, 2012, 5:10 P.M.: I'm currently trying to find the file of the music I used on ETV, since it was on my old computer and now it's not on my laptop..
Update: November 17th, 2012 5:50 P.M.: Ok, so it's not going to be able to have music or even a theme song, unfortunately since the editor I use isn't on my laptop. It will have to be just a basic video with a few effects.
Update: November 18th, 2012, 9:58 P.M.: Unfortunately, since I'm not familiar with the editor I'm using now, I'm going to have to take more time to work on the ETV. If all goes as planned, it will be uploaded by Wednesday night, just in time for Thanksgiving.
Update: November 21st, 2012, 11:27 P.M: Sorry it's taking so long, I'm not familiar with the video editor. Hopefully it can be finished by sometime tomorrow. Sorry.
Update: November 24th, 2012, 4:49 P.M.: Sorry, I still can't figure the editor out..I guess it's a bit late to upload a Thanksgiving video now :|


Friday, November 16, 2012

November 16th "Operation" not ready at 1:01 AM November 16th..

Ok, so it's 1:01 AM and November 16th's operation is not ready.
I will post about it tomorrow, assuming it's there.


Update: November 17th, 2012, 3:01 AM: November 16th's operation is here. I will post tomorrow (today actually) with the cheats but right now I'm posting from a mobile phone. Our internet is also going really slow, I've been trying for over 20 minutes to edit this post.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

EPF Test unavailable at the moment

Right now if someone recruits you to the EPF and you try to take the test in the (remains of the) everyday phoning facility, here's what happens (I tested it on a new penguin)---

It will then override the test and let you join the EPF without taking it.


Herbert Style catalog .. xD

Herbert P. Bear has changed the Penguin Style catalog to fit himself---



Heavy weights pin cheat

Club Penguin's newest pin is a set of heavy weights and is in the boiler room. There is a grammar mistake on the "pick up" box:


Club Penguin Operation Blackout CHEATS

Ok, so Operation Blackout is supposed to come tonight/tomorrow (it's 12:44 AM November 15th) and it probably did. The only problem? I can't log in..So unfortunately I can't post the cheats yet :/

Update: November 15th, 2012, 12:47 AM: I can now log in, but the game is taking FOREVER to load, and the chat and emoticons are barely working at the moment.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Herbert P. Bear planning to capture Dot "very soon"

So I was just on Twitter when I saw a new Tweet from Herbert P. Bear-----

Apparently, he's planning to capture Dot soon. The Operation Blackout starts tomorrow, and as seen in a preview video from Businesmoose and Polo Field, Herbert's going to destroy the island. I think maybe this might be the way CP is going to release the new rooms, maybe they'll get destroyed and penguins will have to rebuild them, this time in a new style.

What do you think?


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Header created

I just uploaded a header. It doesn't look wonderful but it isn't bad. I mean, hey, it was made in about 15 or 20 minutes, so it really isn't bad to have only took that long. Um..I really don't have anything else to put in this post.. so..


Noonycarter, Reporting for duty

Hey, my name is Noonycarter and I will be posting to this blog, helping my friend Emma84432. She wanted me to write a post introducing myself so that's what I'm doing, lol. You might know us from her blog, hamham99. That one's gonna stay up too but we're going to work on this one together, hopefully with a few more bloggers. So here's some things about me---

  1. My penguin's name is Noonycarter (that one's a bit obvious, lol)
  2. I joined CP sometime in 2009, I don't remember the date so..yeah
  3. My penguin is purple.
  4. I have a blue puffle.
  5. I am out of things to write on this list.
  6. I am still writing this list.
  7. I am STILL going.
  8. I cannot figure out how to turn off the "numbered list" feature.
  9. I am getting annoyed.
  10. This is fun.
  11. I finally figured out how to turn it off.
Okay, so now that I'm done with that, I guess that's pretty much it..

Oh yeah.

12. I am friends with Emma84432 .. ? (Obviously)

See ya!

The First Post

Hi, this is the first post for this new Club Penguin blog, Club Penguin Specialists. My name is Emma84432, you might know me from my other site. It will continue to be updated, as will this one. This will be a blog where my and my friend Noonycarter will post cheats/glitches/other-random-stuff about Club Penguin. We are looking for more authors to help out also. If you'd like to apply to be an author on this blog, click here to learn more. Now, here's a little about me:

I joined Club Penguin on January 15th, 2009 when my friend Kayla59811 told me about it. I joined and of course clicked light blue for my first color (it's my favorite color,) and activated the account. I logged in and waddled around, Kaya59811 (whose penguin is one day older than Emma84432, lol) showing me all around the game. My birthday is January 13th so for my birthday Kayla59811 got me a membership. A membership was activated for Emma84432 for the first time on January 22nd, 2009. The oldest pin I have is the Gingerbread man, it was in the Lodge Attic in January 2009. I almost missed that pin, if I had waited another day to join I would have. My first party was the Winter Fiesta 2009, so I guess the first free item would be the Mini Sombrero. When I logged in to CP the day the Fiesta started, the town loaded and it was completely different. I was so confused, lol. I called Kayla59811 and asked her about it and she told me there was a party going on. (I didn't know how to read the paper then). A few weeks later, my other friends Miley22755, Ejc2 and Noonycarter joined.

Ok, so now that you know a little bit about me, I have to go work on setting this new blog up. Probably Noonycarter will post as soon as I can figure out how to add an "author" account for her, lol.
