Site Closed - 11/13/2012 - 01/05/2015

Site Closed - 11/13/2012 - 01/05/2015
Site Closed - 11/13/2012 - 01/05/2015

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Noonycarter, Reporting for duty

Hey, my name is Noonycarter and I will be posting to this blog, helping my friend Emma84432. She wanted me to write a post introducing myself so that's what I'm doing, lol. You might know us from her blog, hamham99. That one's gonna stay up too but we're going to work on this one together, hopefully with a few more bloggers. So here's some things about me---

  1. My penguin's name is Noonycarter (that one's a bit obvious, lol)
  2. I joined CP sometime in 2009, I don't remember the date so..yeah
  3. My penguin is purple.
  4. I have a blue puffle.
  5. I am out of things to write on this list.
  6. I am still writing this list.
  7. I am STILL going.
  8. I cannot figure out how to turn off the "numbered list" feature.
  9. I am getting annoyed.
  10. This is fun.
  11. I finally figured out how to turn it off.
Okay, so now that I'm done with that, I guess that's pretty much it..

Oh yeah.

12. I am friends with Emma84432 .. ? (Obviously)

See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Lol good job, Noonycarter! And yes, it is a bit obvious your name is Noonycarter. xD
