Hi, this is the first post for this new Club Penguin blog, Club Penguin Specialists. My name is Emma84432, you might know me from my other site. It will continue to be updated, as will this one. This will be a blog where my and my friend Noonycarter will post cheats/glitches/other-random-stuff about Club Penguin. We are looking for more authors to help out also. If you'd like to apply to be an author on this blog, click here to learn more. Now, here's a little about me:
I joined Club Penguin on January 15th, 2009 when my friend Kayla59811 told me about it. I joined and of course clicked light blue for my first color (it's my favorite color,) and activated the account. I logged in and waddled around, Kaya59811 (whose penguin is one day older than Emma84432, lol) showing me all around the game. My birthday is January 13th so for my birthday Kayla59811 got me a membership. A membership was activated for Emma84432 for the first time on January 22nd, 2009. The oldest pin I have is the Gingerbread man, it was in the Lodge Attic in January 2009. I almost missed that pin, if I had waited another day to join I would have. My first party was the Winter Fiesta 2009, so I guess the first free item would be the Mini Sombrero. When I logged in to CP the day the Fiesta started, the town loaded and it was completely different. I was so confused, lol. I called Kayla59811 and asked her about it and she told me there was a party going on. (I didn't know how to read the paper then). A few weeks later, my other friends Miley22755, Ejc2 and Noonycarter joined.
Ok, so now that you know a little bit about me, I have to go work on setting this new blog up. Probably Noonycarter will post as soon as I can figure out how to add an "author" account for her, lol.
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